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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Well currently I'm in a job which is a waiter at ajisen

Though I'm quitting but I'm getting a lot of comments from my family on this and that

I just hate it

I just feel like I'm starting to become like Ikari Shinji in evangelion

He runs away from a lot of stuff and to him, his ear piece with his cassette shuts him away from reality and I think I'm also doing this recently

I just want to have a taste of working with my friend in an actual job

Is that even a crime?

Also I told my sis the reason to quit and she was like saying all this are excuses
Then why don't you tell me, what reason should I give you then it counts as an excuse?

I actually wanted to quit on the 25 and start work with ducky on the 30

But now I have to end at 1st of jan

Everything is going haywire

My big sis even ask me what job to do after I quit then I told her I would see first but actually I have a plan but I don't think I can make it

Afterwards she told me I shouldn't quit because I have so many time but when I told to wait after the FD GM she was like:"Training only at night what then you are still free during the morning"
I was thinking the job which I wanted to go starts from the morning and ends at evening therefore I would have time for my own stuffs and meeting.

I can't stand this

I really just want to escape from reality right now


Kushieda Minori
8:29 AM

Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's been a long time since I even came in to this account but I'm not really sure why but after a movie today, I really want to jolt down today as a wonderful memory.

As the title says so, YES!, I went to watch <<那些年,我們一起追的女孩>> the movie.
It is by far the best movie I have seen so far in all my movie experience!

It really does bring back memories when you are young once and the regrets that you have done before but it also makes who we are now.
But still, have you ever chase a girl that long or even let a guy chase you for that long?

I know I have.

It really is a wonderful and beautiful movie!
It is a recommended movie to watch!

Below are two different screen savers:

There were also lines which are quite touching and meaningful:



and many more which will take too long.
Okay I'm stopping here.
Though I don't think anyone will see this or even if they do, it will be a long time after this but still I'm gonna remember this movie as long as live. ^^


Kushieda Minori
8:41 AM

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Long time never update le.
Mostly is because of laziness so didn't blog. Hehe :p

Okay since its quite late now so this is going to be a short post.

So i've just watched 2 movies just now and they are below...

1)One Piece Movie 10:Strong World

AND 2)Clash Of The Titans

Okay well both was quite a very nice show...

LOL? Now i also dunno what to say so i think i will be ending this post here for now.

I will surely update again since i promise someone i will update once i watch finish my drama.
Yes though i've watched finish that drama but was lazy and didn't have time to update as since it was during my prelims period.

So i will be ending here. BYE!~^^

Would reversing back the time really change everything?

Kushieda Minori
8:48 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

LOL can see its been one month plus since i post but its because i'm too busy for activities almost everyday.

Okay then lets see the schedule for next week:

Monday-Maybe have dance practice?
Tuesday-Trainers meeting
Wednesday-Participants meeting
Thursday-YOG training
Friday-FDC coaching class
Saturday-YOG Training
Sunday-FD carnival

See i am a very busy man haha.
Well since this can't be help so just go with it and i think this type of busy schedule will really pull out my potential for studying(i hope so).

Okay lets update the recent things i did and guess what?
Timothy,Eugene,Douglas,Morgan and Me went out on last friday.

So in the the morning we met at 9am in Joo Koon MRT and set off to Pasir Ris.HAHA aren't we crazy=p
Once we reach we straight away head to Downtown East to buy tickets to watch "The Karate Kid" at 12.10pm.So while waiting for the time to past we all went to the arcade to play games and there was a very fun game about pirates.Too bad i didn't took the video from timothy if not i could have post it and show it to you.=p
After that went to superdog to talk abit and suddenly realise our tickets were missing.So we check everywhere and in the end we went back to the counter to ask and she just took out the five tickets from under somewhere.All of us was like "You know we didn't take our tickets and you never call for us when we walked away-.-"

It was a really nice show with quite a lot of actions and some funny parts.Okay after that,we headed down to the Wild Wild Wet ticket booth to buy our entree tickets and we kept joking with the auntie inside the booth.
Once inside,suddenly a person called me and i was like looking everywhere and in front i saw someone.Guess what?It was Roy!HAHA.Can't believe he was also here with his friends.
Went to change our clothes,stuff our things into the the locker and quickly dash to the pool.
Slack at the lazy pool for one round then headed to the Ular-lar and funny as it may seems i saw roy again.haha.
After that the ride went to the waterworks purple slide and yellow slide.Finally headed down to what we call the "Death Vally" which was the U-slide.As i was sitting at the back when the float went down it feels like you are having a free fall as my butt was leaving the sit.Though it was scary but i really wanted to try it again but too bad tim,eugene and morgan felt a bit scared and decided not to do it again.=p

So we just keep spamming ride especially the Ular-lar.As before we went down the slide one person told us if we shout very loud we would all get a chocolate so we were practically spamming screams.Once at the bottom the person say he don't have then must claim with the person who said that and we went up to the slide again.But before going up we checked our pictures that were taken and sat at the bottom of the children pool which has the giant cup which pours water down then we head up.Once our turn again he say must shout louder because he must hear the scream from the bottom so we spam screams again.LOL!
Reaching the bottom we spam water at the lifeguards then did everything again.
And Again...
And Again...

Okay STOP!
Well i practically lost count on how many times we did that but still we did met a new friend and we just nickname him "Mr Cadbury" or maybe "The Chocolate Man".
After spamming everything(except the sky ride) we slack at the children's pool slide until the life guards chased everyone off.

All in all we spent 4hrs like that inside Wild Wild Wet.It was really a fun experience and i would gladly go out to play like that again.HEHE^^

Okay i think thats all and its getting quite late le so i stopping here for now.BYES!^^

Kushieda Minori
10:21 AM

Friday, April 30, 2010

Okay just feel like posting a least once per month so here is my post.

Today had Chinese mid-year paper and i think i did badly paper for paper 1 compo as i didn't have enough time so i skip the conclusion and jumped to the ending...hope i can pass since it carries 50 marks. =x

After that i head home to change and went out to watch movie at lot 1 with Douglas and Tse Ling. We watched Iron man 2 and it so very nice and in rating i am giving a 5/5.Haha.(:

Our tickets! MUHAHAHA^^

When walking,i saw Amanda there with her friends and was a bit shock since didn't see her for quite long and didn't expect to see her there.

After that we went to a park to talk then after that head home.

Came home and saw ths sky and i think it's quite nice.

Nice right?

Okay now to post some pictures i took this month ba haha=p

All are Muhammad's drink...wonder why he drink so many bottles? Trying to make a world record?haha.

HAHA this 7-11 only open for 2 hours. Btw this is not photoshop,i took this at Lakeside station for your info.hehe=p

Oh ya! I also brought my Inkspell and Inkdeath le. Woot!

Okay i think i will be stopping here le.
Too lazy to continue.Haha.
Bye peeps! Hehe^^

"What is happiness?"

Kushieda Minori
8:02 AM

Saturday, March 13, 2010

okay felt that i should post something if not by dragging any longer my blog is going to die...

So just want to say went to watch movie with douglas on friday at cineleisure orchard.
Meet him and took 190 there...the movie was funny in some sort of way but it really is one of a kind movie i ever watch as it keep keeping us in suspension making us wonder what is going to happen next but its always another thing that happen rather than what we thought of.
There was a part which i will remember as the person scolded:"F**k u!" HAHA it surely LMAO. xD
So all in all it really was a really freaking nice movie that i think everyone hould watch.^^

Nothing more to post so i should just stop here.

"Why do i feel that everything is a repeat of history as everything happen just as what happened last time??"

Kushieda Minori
12:43 PM

Friday, February 5, 2010

There is somethings that i can't understand.
Why do people in stress vent their frustration on other people?
Why can't they just vent it in stress ball other then people if not just keep quiet?

Well it because i respect you that's why i only refute 1 sentence but in the end i got back 20+ more sentence from you.Even though i admit that i use com a lot but i didn't do anything wrong so why do you even scold me or is it you can't take the stress?
You are not the only one stress,its just that i just keep smiling to forget the stress even though i keep thinking about.You are bigger then me and i really respect you that's why i didn't say any vulgarity if not i would have spam,but still i got a "F**k up" from you.
So what is the real problem here?I also dunno and its because i dunno that i really want to understand what is really happening here.

That is all i want to say so bye^^

Memorable day to remember 5/02/10 <3

Kushieda Minori
7:36 AM


Benjamin aka Sky
de la sallefuhua sec
Happy 15^^


a headphone set(really want it)XD
My handphone get repair(Got a new phone)
Inkspell and Inkdeath



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